Vator Splash is hosting a new event on health innovation on Feb 12, 2015 in Oakland, CA.
HealthXL is a partnership of 11 of the biggest corporations in healthcare, including Cleveland Clinic, IBM and Janssen Healthcare Innovation, to name a few. They have “audacious” goals of solving some of the biggest problems in the industry.
The UN is playing a significant role in helping the countries of West Africa respond to the Ebola crisis, by mobilizing the global community and by providing technical assistance, funding, supplies, and personnel.
Are you a current or aspiring entrepreneur? And are you (or one of your core startup team) an alumnus of the UC educational system? Then listen up – there are changes happening to the long-established startup competition sponsored by the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship that have widened the scope to include alumni from all of […]
A new startup company called Nirvanatex and CEO, Vinod Nair, PhD has produced a new laundry softener called Sofft. After talking to Vinod and seeing the unique value proposition of this technology, amazing stain repellant properties, I focused on the applications in healthcare. Every hospital, clinic, surgical center, skilled nursing facility encounters problems with biohazard materials and fluids.